LJDI – Divaca Airport is a fully functional freeware airport add-on for MSFS. It covers a small airport in Primorska region of Slovenia (EU).
These is an updated re-visit of the airport done for FSX and P3D. This time these were the learning grounds for new methods and new ways of bringing airports and other elements into the new sim environment. Thus it is not merely a port of an old version to a new platform, but is also spruced up with PBR textures, recompiles of models, sloped runways and new underlays. Since the area is poorly covered with MSFS imagery due to cloud cover, both the airport grounds and wider surroundings including the town of Divača have been newly compiled, colour tuned and missing greenery and elements added. The visuals in the new sim, the graphic engine, the lighting and the overall atmosphere are simply stunning and the add-on has got a completely new lease of life.
The features you will enjoy are:
- custom underlays for immediate and wider area of the airport,
- custom-built models of all buildings at the airport fully replicating the existing infrastructure,
- refreshed and PBR textures
- functional airport with 2 runways, taxiways, aprons and parking spots,
- hand-placed objects from custom-built and default MSFS libraries, such as buildings, vehicles, vegetation and the like, to complement overall impression and create lively and vibrant landscape.
Known issues: some remaining lines on the grass near taxiways,the road leading towards the new hangars is lit by night (inaccurate but cannot be removed), windmill in Divača that is not supposed to be there (default and cannot be removed).
Installation: install into Community folder of your sim