About us
We are a design and planning company specializing in architecture, interior design, visualizations and consulting. As avid virtual flyers we also ventured into the domain of flight simulation add-ons where our expertise and skills in all afore mentioned fields as well as our scientific research endavours gives us the competitive edge and sensibility to produce immersive experience.
Company address
Ilumium d.o.o.
Tržaška cesta 29
1000 Ljubljana
Company data
Tax number: 94976317
identified for VAT (ID za DDV): NO
VAT exempt under Article 287 of VAT Directive
Registration number: 1919881000
Share capital: 8.763,00 EUR
Srg 2004/00917, Submission number 1/39610/00, Okrožno sodišče v Ljubljani
Info and Support Contact
email: support{at}ilumium.com or use the contact form